Welcome to Shofar Heidelberg_GP

Shofar Heidelberg is an actively growing fellowship of believers who are working to see God’s Kingdom come into our families and our communities. 

Our focus is enjoying living life together (doing community) as we grow in Discipleship through our Faith in God alone and experiencing His love for us.

We invite you to build the kingdom with us as Jesus Commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.

If you’d like to know more about our Fellowship Church, join a small group, have a question or prayer request, send us an Email: heidelberg.gp@shofaronline.org or send us a Direct Message on Instagram @ shofarheidelberg_gp 


sermon audio

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Morning Service
Come and join us in building His kingdom: C/o Plein and Zuid Street

Church Office Address

Live Stream

Kids Church

Bring your kids along for Children@Church (Kinder@Kerk) every Sunday morning at 08:30am.


We love fellowship! Our local barista is available after every Sunday Church service, to brew you up a special cup of coffee.


Jarrod and Karien Adendorff

SG Leaders

Read more


Small Group gathering

Join us for our small group gatherings every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.

Shofar Family Lunch activities

Join us for our quartely Shofar Family Lunch activities.

Prayer and Worship Meetings

Join us for our monthly prayer and intercession meetings.


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Shofar Heidelberg

Bank: Nedbank
Branch code: 198765
Type of Account: Cheque
Account No: 1249433665