Welcome to Shofar Brackenfell

We are a vibrant growing community of believers in Brackenfell, who aim to lead people to become passionate followers of Christ. We value family, both natural and spiritual family. Our heart is to create an environment of love and acceptance where you can grow in your relationship with God. We Encounter God whenever we Connect to God and to people, when we Grow spiritually, when we Build His church and when we Go to the unsaved.
Kobus & Lorette Meyer

082 556 4490 brackenfell@shofaronline.org

announcements church calendar

sermon audio video

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Morning Service
Shop A1, Cape Gate Corner, C/o Okavango road & Tanner Street
24 November 2024 – Celebration Picnic
Tosca Park, Sonstraal Heigts

Church Office Address
Shop A1, Cape Gate Corner, C/o Okavango road & Tanner Street

Live Stream

Children's Church

Age appropriate classes for children of ages 3 to 13 years during the service.

Toddler's Room

We have a space for moms or dads with littlies 1 to 3 years old.

Mom's Room

A comfortable room for Moms with babies.

Coffee Shop

Enjoy a cup of good coffee with like-minded people after church. Barista coffees are available at R10 each.


Kobus & Lorette Meyer

Senior Pastor

Kobus & Danielle Meintjes

Elder (Pastoral & Mercy Ministries)

Peter & Rachelle Sawers

Elder (Pastoral & Missions)

Deon & Elmy Smit

Elder (Pastoral & Small Groups)

Paul & Hildegard Wilson

Elder (Pastoral, Families & Finance)


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Church Announcements

Stay up to date with what is happening at church.

Small Groups

Our small groups meet on Wednesday evenings to connect, fellowship and grow within their community.

Young Adults

Young Adults is a ministry and social group for students and young working adults. This includes the single and married young people.

Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers is a ministry and social group to the 50+ group.

Amplified Youth

We invite all youngsters age 12 to 18 years to join us 7 PM on Friday nights at church for a fun time of fellowship and learning together.

Video Sermons

Watch recorded sermons.

Audio Sermons

Listen to recorded sermons.


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Main Account

account name: shofar brackenfell
bank: nedbank
branch code: 118602
account no.: 1192003292
type: cheque

Missions Account

account name: brackenfell missions
bank: nedbank
branch code: 118602
account no.: 109 223 8964
type: cheque

Building Fund Account

account name: brackenfell building fund
bank: nedbank
branch code: 118602
account no.: 109 222 0062
type: cheque