Welcome to Shofar George

Welcome to Shofar George! Our congregation consists of teens, young adults, families, and plenty of children. We’ve been in George since 2010 and our biggest desire is for everyone to be equipped to do the work of Jesus and see God’s presence filling every area of life in our town. We gather on Sundays at 08:30 and 18:00 for English services, and 10:30 for an Afrikaans service. We believe that we were created for community, therefore having small groups that meet at homes during the week. If you’d like to know more, email us at ursula.kolbe@shofaronline.org or call us at 079 899 2462.

Click here to find more info and register for all of our events.

Amo, Cornel & The Shofar George Team

079 899 2462 ursula.kolbe@shofaronline.org


sermon audio video podcast

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Sunday Services
Join us for our in-person Sunday gatherings. All are welcome!!
Youth Service (Thursdays)

Church Office Address
4 Commercial close, George

Live Stream

Mother's Room

We have a very well equipped and comfortable mother's room available for all our parents with young kiddies.

Kids Church

We have an incredible Kids Church running during our 08:30 & 10:30 services! If your little one is between the ages of 4 and 13, have them join in on the fun!


Come join us for a good cup of coffee and even better fellowship!


We absolutely love our teens. We have youth every Thursday from 18:00. So if you're between 13 and 18, this is just for you!


Amo O'Kennedy

Senior Pastor

Luke Correia

Assistant Pastor

Herman Bester

Office Manager

Ursula Kolbe


Rikus Jonck

Youth Pastor

Cornel O'Kennedy

Kids Church Coordinator

James Pringle

Worship Leader & Pastor

Blaine Steyn

Admin Assistant

Eddie McKenzie

Creative Director


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C4C Fundraiser

Amo and his cycling friends came up with the idea to use their love for cycling to raise funds for organisations under an initiative they call C4C. At the end of November, they'll cycle 800km through the Karoo in our inaugural Karoo Crusade.

Read more

Work 4 A Living

Work 4 A Living is a Christian NPO who empower and prepare unemployed individuals for the work force.

Life Community Services

LIFE Community Services is a Christian NGO working to confront the dilemmas and crises facing orphaned and vulnerable children today in George, South Africa


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Main Account

account name: shofar george
bank: nedbank
branch code: 118602
account no.: 1186112433
type: cheque

Bodyserve Account

account name: shofar george bodyserve
bank: nedbank
branch code: 118602
account no.: 1186112425
type: cheque