Welcome to Shofar Valley (Paarl & Wellington)

Hi There!

Thank you for taking the time to read about the heart of our congregation.

This coming Sunday we CONTINUE on our JOURNEY to become more like JESUS.
Shofar Wellington and Shofar Paarl have become one a year and a half ago and we have been experiencing how God has given us ONE HEART and ONE WAY. Together we will continue to follow the CLOUD…our DESTINY AWAITS

We believe church is a family. We believe in the love and redemption of Jesus Christ, that we have been transferred from darkness into His marvelous light, that we are saints, called and chosen to be with Jesus, to be defined by Jesus and to be empowered by Him to live as Sent Ones.

Like any family, we are not perfect, but we are on a journey with Holy Spirit as our guide. On this journey, we are learning and growing.
Shofar Wellington and Shofar Paarl recently became one congregation, so you will be joining in a new and exciting time as we gather together and trust for revival in our valley.

If you come and visit our family you will experience lively worship, hospitality, love, fellowship and truth. Someone mighty prophecy over you as we build one another in Christ.

We pursue a life in the love of the Father, the grace of Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. From a living relationship with the Lord, life, healing and wholeness flow in us and through us to the world and our spheres of influence.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten the eyes of your understanding in the knowledge of Jesus, that you may know His truth, His freedom and His love for you.

You are welcome to join us for fellowship, we would love to meet you.

Neels & Frankie Loftus

PS: Keep updated on testimonies, sermons and what’s happening in our church-house through LINKTREE. A good place to get connected!


sermon audio video

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Le Bac Estate
Huguenot Primary School, General, Genl Hertzog Blvd, Wellington, 7655

Church Office Address
Huguenot Primary School, Genl Hertzog Avenue, Wellington

Live Stream


Neels Loftus

Senior Pastor


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Main Account

account name: shofar
bank: nedbank
branch code: 198765
account no.: 1006221506
type: cheque

Bodyserve Account

account name: shofar
bank: nedbank
branch code: 198765
account no.: 1044799919
type: cheque

Building Account

account name: shofar
bank: nedbank
branch code: 198765
account no.: 1148153624
type: cheque

Missions Account

account name: shofar
bank: nedbank
branch code: 198765
account no.: 1044800119
type: cheque