Welcome to Shofar Walvis Bay

Now is the time to be the Church!

Shofar Walvis Bay – where all nations and generations are welcome! We are a growing and diverse church family, together seeking to see our Father’s kingdom established in our community. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, we yearn to see the fullness of the Gospel of Christ manifest in and through our everyday lives. You are heartily invited to join us on this exciting, eternal journey! We host our services 9am every Sunday at the Nechville Building.

Johannes & Riana van der Sluys

+264 81 276 7149 walvis@shofaronline.org

sermon audio video

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Morning Service
Nechville Building, Cnr of Hage Geingob and 11th Street

Church Office Address
Nechville Building, Cnr of Hage Geingob and 11th Street

Live Stream


Church Elders

(From left to right) Roelene and Robert Schaaff (elder) and Johannes (lead elder) and Riana van der Sluys


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Shofar Walvis Bay

Shofar Christian Church Walvis Bay
Cheque Account: CHK 8005016106
Bank Windhoek Walvis Bay
Branch code: 481-872