Welcome to Shofar Windhoek

Now is the time to be the Church!
We’re an active church family that enjoys living life together, growing in faith, learning about God and working to see His kingdom come in our families and communities. We love to receive family, friends and guests.

We invite you to visit us for one of our 9 am Sunday church services or attend one of our small groups that gather during the week at different locations. Give Reinhald & Chrisell a call on +264 81 285 7481 for more information. Alternatively, you can also email windhoek@shofaronline.org. We look forward to meeting you!

Reinhald & Chrisell Pieterse

Reinhald Pieterse +264 81 285 7481 windhoek@shofaronline.org


sermon audio video

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Oggend Diens
13A Walter Street, Southern Industrial

Church Office Address
13A Walter Street, Southern Industrial

Live Stream


Reinhald & Chrisell Pieterse

Lead Elders



Register For Events


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Main Account

Please note that we have a new bank account, the Nedbank account is no longer active.

For future Tithes, Offerings and other payments, please use:

Shofar Christian Church
Cheque Account: CHK-8011246514
Bank Windhoek Grove Mall Branch
Branch code 483-871