by Mac Adaimi (Shofar Stellenbosch)
Our annual men’s camps took place in the Western Cape in February, in the Free State in April and in Namibia in June.
I had the privilege of attending the camp in the Western Cape together with 800 other men and my highlight was on Saturday evening, when Stephen Lungu shared his life story. I had never before heard anything as tragic as this story, so sad, so heart wrenching and destructive, and Christ takes this hopeless situation and saves another life dear to Him. In my opinion, even Joseph’s life story was not as severe as Stephen Lungu’s.
One could hardly keep the tears back as he shared about his dramatic life. In the altar call he asked who of us felt that they had not been obedient to God’s call on their life and had disappointed God. Three quarters of the men walked to the front. What total, holy chaos and exciting repentance chaos – orchestrated and defined by God.
One man was face down on the woodchip floor weeping uncontrollably, mourning from his deepest parts with guttural sounds of remorse. It was heart wrenching and extremely stirring and the Holy Spirit descended with enormous comfort and restoration for all standing, kneeling or face down, weeping before Jesus Christ.
You can watch the sermon that Stephen Lungu preached at Shofar Stellenbosch on the Sunday after Men’s Camp on Shofar TV and the Men’s Camp 2015 DVD is available for preorder on our online store.