As a first-year student I came to face the challenges that come with new surroundings. Being in a new place, I realised that I suddenly didn’t have my usual group of accountability partners and I faced many uncertain times. Since I was living alone, I quickly fell into the trap of isolation and in that time, I developed social anxiety (I am usually a very social person).
Finally, one night, I forced myself to go to church even though I was quite scared to do so. In that service, God came and spoke clearly. It wasn’t a soft and comforting word, but rather one that shook me because it scared me.
I realised that by giving into this anxiety, I made myself completely useless to the kingdom and I wasn’t stepping into my calling! One of the girls prayed with me that night and in the following months I experienced so much growth. I was no longer isolated! I found a family in the Shofar Potch community. A family I grew rather fond of, and I am so thankful to the Lord for blessing me with this community.