God provides for His Church

We arrived in Polokwane in February, but it wasn’t until the end of March that we gained access to our bank account and could see the church’s financial situation for the first time. For the initial four months, we really struggled to cover our basic expenses and had to regularly contact our regional leader for assistance. 

At the end of August, I was about to call Phillip once again to inform him that we didn’t have enough funds to cover our expenses. However, before making the call, I decided to check our bank balance to see the exact outstanding amount.

To my surprise, the available balance was twice the amount needed to cover our expenses for that month!  But that’s not all. The following month, there was four times the amount required to cover our basic expenses!

For the first time, we were able to give back to our community, and we could provide shelter for a woman in need on the streets.  It’s not always easy, but the Lord is faithful. He has a plan for each of the planted churches, and God is also building His church financially. 

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