Global Blog

the harvest | malawi mission feedback

8 September 2015

by Hercules Opperman Before returning home from Malawi, Ps. Henry Mkhomanya, leader of our Shofar Malawi churches shared a surprising testimony with me. He said that a local Muslim leader came to...

ask the pastor | how can I support my pastor?

9 July 2015

In our Ask the Pastor series we ask questions about being Christians, church members and family. Carlos Moses from Shofar Worcester and Phillip Boshoff from Shofar Pretoria answer, “How can I...

the great God of the exodus: why are they stealing our stories?!

29 June 2015

by Rayno Daschner (Shofar Cape Town South) My wife, Liana, and I were both intrigued by and suspicious of the latest depiction of the Exodus story. We were intrigued because we're fans of...

die herstel van ‘n kultuur van dissipelskap

25 June 2015

deur Fred May Hieronder volg ’n uittreksel uit die uitgebreide teks van die nuwe Encounter-module wat die bestaande Fondasie 3 (Nalatenskap) eersdaags vervang en aanvul. Die deurlopende tema van die nuwe...

restore a culture of disciple-making

25 June 2015

by Fred May   The following is an excerpt from the script for the upcoming Encounter module to replace/supplement the existing Foundation 3. The central theme is love and relationship...

malawi leadership training

23 June 2015

by Anton Myburgh (Shofar Network) In May Heinrich Titus from Shofar Somerset West and I travelled to Mangochi in Malawi to train our Shofar Malawi pastors in presenting Foundation 1 and 2 and...

men’s camp 2015

22 June 2015

by Mac Adaimi (Shofar Stellenbosch) Our annual men's camps took place in the Western Cape in February, in the Free State in April and in Namibia in June. I had the privilege of attending...

a historical gathering in jerusalem

15 June 2015

by Anton Myburgh (Shofar Network)   The Empowered21 Global Congress, which took place from 20 to 25 May, was the largest gathering of Spirit-filled believers in Jerusalem since the first outpouring of...

leadership development weekends

9 June 2015

by Hercules Opperman & Marionette van Deventer (Shofar Institute)   As we focus on the harvest campaign as a movement, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the enormous task of praying for more labourers...