Convergence 2017 A picture is worth a thousand words

by Ps. Heinrich Titus

What a joyful privilege to have been able to spend three life-changing days together with family and friends from far and wide.

Each of the sessions were life-changing for me, as well as the reality of the Lord’s sweet, prevailing presence.

The truth is, of course, that a weekend like this could never be possible without the hard and selfless work of all of our staff at the Shofar Support Centre in Franschhoek, and the countless volunteers from so many congregations who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the experience an unforgettable one for all of us. More than any of us on stage, they are the true heroes of this story and I honour God the Father for giving us people with such incredible servant hearts.

Furthermore, Convergence 2017 did not happen in isolation but instead built upon the momentum generated during previous years. For this reason, I want to thank both Pastor Fred, who originally gave birth to this vision, as well as the apostolic leaders, speakers, staff, volunteers, and pastors who have worked so tirelessly during previous conferences in stewarding this vision to see God’s people converging. We are always, each one of us, simply a link in the chain of God’s people whom He, in His wisdom, chooses to use.

I couldn’t help but feel that this was more than a conference, it was a celebration. A celebration of God’s love and faithfulness and a reuniting with family bound together with an unbreakable bond forged in the Spirit. Nikki and I were so incredibly humbled by the outpouring of the love and support from our church family and friends. Your trust is as holy ground to us and we venture upon it with reverence, deeply aware that our feet are feet of clay.

My prayer is that Convergence 2017 will represent a watershed time of transition for all of us. And as we walk together towards God’s purpose for us individually and corporately, we look back with thankfulness at the people God has used to shape and mould us. We look around us with joy at those He has given and with whom we can share the journey. But more than anything else, our gaze is upward, for our destination is not a place, but the face of Him who has promised that He will be with us to the end of the age. And in His gaze, we see and receive the love we need to give to a world waiting with bated breath for the revelation of the sons and daughters of God.

Heinrich and Nikki

A special thank you to all our photographers who dedicated their time and resources to capture the story of Convergence 2017 – #knownforlove.  Photographers: Dean Brummer, Jean Brummer, Newton Fincham, Gabriellla Elyon, Zayne Fisher, Leandri Geldenhuys, Jolene Lochner, Michaela Moodley and Michaela Schmidt.


*Our Shofar Convergence global conference was held from 29 September to 1 October in Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa.

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