Free to Be

You are not a mistake. God created you for an assignment only you can fulfil – to impact those around you with His love and goodness.

In order to walk in the fullness of what God has called you to do, you need to be free from bondage and shame, fears, offences and lies. To be victorious, content and effective in the sphere God has placed you in. To grow in influence and leave a legacy. To make your voice heard. This is Sonika Kruger’s heart behind Free To Be – to lead other women on the journey from victim to victor in Christ and step into the fullness of their destiny, as she has experienced in her own life.

“The book is about releasing hope. If God could do these things for me, then He will do it for you.”

Sonika pastors the Shofar East London congregation together with her husband, André, but before she could step into that role, there were many giants to conquer. And even then, the promised land still had some villains that tried to throw her off course.

“Originally, my husband inspired me to write, as he has always believed in me and encouraged me to dream bigger; to look at myself through God’s eyes,” says Sonika. “Also, Psalm 102:18 (NLT) says: ‘Let this be recorded for future generations so that a people not yet born will praise the Lord.’ God has done incredible things in my life and I want other people to glorify Him when they hear my stories. But how will they glorify Him if I’m not there to tell these stories anymore? If it’s recorded, then future generations can read it and glorify God.”

Throughout the book, she shares honest and deeply personal stories – the battles she has fought and the trials she has faced, and how Jesus through His Holy Spirit brought the breakthrough. She also documents her personal testimonies of salvation, Holy Spirit-infilling and water baptism as three crucial keys to pursuing your destiny.

With 30 short sections written in simple English, the format can be used for personal daily devotions, home or Bible study group discussions, or in a discipleship relationship.

It’s written for women of all ages and walks of life. “I’ve heard testimonies from women in traditional churches in their sixties who thoroughly enjoyed the book. And then there’s a young girl in Grade 8 who loved it and read it three times.”

Free to Be (Sonika Kruger) | Shofar Online Store

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