New Shofar Church Plants

We are excited about what God is doing in our midst, with repeated confirmations that it is time to focus on planting churches. We already see the fruit of these words with church plants like Kleinmond and Oudtshoorn. Here are some details regarding recent and potential future church plants:


A place of rest

Leaders: Craig and Franci Snyders

Following their move to Kleinmond in 2019, Craig, who grew up in the coastal town, experienced God’s call to ministry there. At that time, a small group from Shofar Hermanus was already meeting in the area. Craig began discussing his vision for a church plant with the Hermanus leadership in 2021. Everyone was on board, and on 23 January 2022, the first Shofar Kleinmond church service was held.

Craig and Franci:

“Shofar Kleinmond is doing really well with amazing people faithfully serving the congregation. Kleinmond already has a strong children’s church and youth ministry. We also recently held our first youth camp.

Our vision is that the church here will be a place of rest where even the bigger body of Shofar could find healing and restoration. We are expectant for what the Lord is doing in Kleinmond and the gift the congregation will become to the larger Shofar movement.”

Sunday services:

Kleinmond Primary School




Born from a youth group

Leaders: Jurgens and Gisela Meyer with the support of Johan and Mona-Mare Griffioen and Andre and Freda Van Rooyen

The congregation in Oudtshoorn grew out of a youth ministry started by Gustav Meyer, Jurgens’ and Gisela’s eldest son. When a group of school students returned from an Amplified camp, they felt the need to support one another spiritually, and in 2019, they started a small group.

Jurgens and Gisela also became involved with the youth group, and as the group grew, they formed relationships with the children’s parents. After much prayer, they felt God wanted to open a fountain of His life in Oudtshoorn and discussed a church plant with Amo O’Kennedy, the pastor at Shofar George.

Jurgens and Gisela:

“In March 2021, we held the official opening of the Oudtshoorn congregation with about thirty people at the first few services. Currently, we have about fifty members faithfully serving in the church. We already have three small groups and a youth group that gathers on Thursdays. We are also supporting a group involved at the Bellinghof nursing home.

Our vision for Shofar Oudtshoorn is not for it to be the best church in Oudtshoorn but the best for Oudtshoorn. God is opening His fountain of life for the communities here, and we recognise our call to partner with God in this journey.”

Sunday services:

Oudtshoorn High School



Reaching communities in Cape Town’s northern suburbs

Shofar Durbanville, together with leaders from other Shofar congregations, has noticed the need for planting a church in both the Bellville/Boston and Aurora areas, where the communities require a church closer to their homes.

Currently, Shofar Durbanville is praying and planning to raise up a core leadership team for the church plants. So far, they have presented a Grow Group related to this to stir people’s faith for a potential church plant. As the wider Shofar community, we will also pray with them for guidance from the Lord for what lies ahead.


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